Time sheets


It helps to record the time that the employee works on the various projects and departments. It helps to track the employee's work duration on the project and so on. It includes accurate data, managing the workflow smoothly,time entry fields,managing accounts,overtime and shift differentials, and automating your billing.

Accurate data

Our timesheet software is completely automatic. It doesn't require manual entry or human error. It begins running as soon as you turn on the computer and ends when you close it. It gives you accurate data about the employee's present time of working and the timing of starting and ending work.

Data management workflows go smoothly

In data management, workflow helps to assign shifts and absences and keep employees informed about remote work and hybrid workers timing and workflows all on one platform. It collects information for the office employee and hybrid employee about their work timing and present ways of working, which helps to manage their working timing. .


Time entry field

In this field, it is automatically taken the date when the worker enters for work,when the employee finishes their work, the duration of the break, and the total hours when you start to end the work.

Management account

Time sheets are more valuable in this field. They support managers in keeping track of task start and finish times. This is useful for managers who need to know which jobs take longer to complete and which areas cause delays in work completion.

Overtimeing and shift

It automatically takes the count of employees whose work is done overtime and calculates the hours of work to provide the salary for the overtime, and it helps to understand their work performance shift difference for the quick project to finish the work on time and work performance during non-standard hours.

Automate your billing

Timesheets are used for billing by companies that provide services to customers based on billable hours. This might lower your expenses by automating invoices and billing. Billing that is automated can also boost income.

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